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How does OnePIM fit my enterprise architecture?

We've designed OnePIM to boost your product management capabilities by providing functionalities your existing enterprise platforms either don't have or are too expensive to use.

For example ...

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ERP systems are great at handling products from warehousing and logistics points of view but not at selling them. There simply aren't the extra fields for product descriptions carefully crafted for each channel, immersive multimedia files, SEO meta descriptions, and all the other assets and snippets of information you need. In some cases, they could be added, but only by a costly development team.

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Neither the ERP nor eCommerce platforms would allow all your suppliers to manage their catalogues, and if so, the licence costs would make this prohibitively expensive. 

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They also don't provide the permission and workflow approval capabilities required to get your teams working collaboratively or supporting them through AI. 

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For ERP and eCommerce platforms, a product is just a part of the process - not a centrepiece of customer experience and sales conversion.

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ERP or eCommerce platforms can't handle products from hundreds of different suppliers, subdivided into tens of channel-specific catalogues, with some further subdivided into hundreds of different Points of Sales locations. At least not without a very expensive development project.

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ERP interfaces are typically not very user-friendly and do not encourage collaboration and creativity. They wouldn't get the best out of your creative and marketing teams. 

To sum up, eCommerce and ERP platforms are all great at doing what they were designed to do, but creating 360 product views that engage customers and are required to sell across multiple channels in 2023 and beyond wasn't one of them.

You need an additional component built just for this purpose, complementing the platforms you already have. You need OnePIM.

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